How to Sharpen Kitchen Knives: Simple Yet Helpful Guide

Hey there kitchen lovers! You know sharp knives are super important right? No more struggling with dull blades. Today let us read about how to sharpen kitchen knives the easy way. You learn why sharp knives matter, different tools, and a step by step guide. Subscribe for more kitchen tips and tricks and stay tuned to my blogs to know more such ideas.

Why Sharpen Your Knives?

Sharp knives make cooking smooth and safe. Dull knives are very hard to use, slip and can also cause accidents. Sharp knives cut clean, precise and hence not much struggle is to be done with them. You cut veggies, meat and hence everything easy with a sharp knife. A dull knife can hurt you and make your cooking hard.

Point to ponder:

How Often Should I sharpen my knives?

This depends on the usage. But mostly a knife should be sharpened when it feels dull or every few months. Cooking a lot might cause your knife to require more frequent sharpening.

Types of Sharpening Tools

Sharpening Tools


Manual sharpeners

Simple, cheap and easy to use. Good for quick sharpening.

Electric sharpeners

Fast, easy but can be expensive. Good for busy kitchens.

Sharpening stones

Old concept, effective and needs practice. Best for precision.

Point to ponder:

Which Sharpening Tool is Best for Beginners?

Given its simplicity and safety, a manual pull-through knife sharpener is the perfect choice for novices. Alternatively, with practice, a sharpening stone—whetstone—offers better control and accuracy, hence improving performance.

“The knife is the most permanent, the most immortal, the most ingenious of all man’s creations” - Yevgeny Zamyatin

Step by Step Guide to Sharpening Knives


  • Tools: Gather knife, sharpener (manual, electric or stone) clean cloth.

  • Safety: Be very careful! Watch your fingers and keep your grip firm.

Point to ponder:

Do I need to wear gloves when sharpening knives?

While sharpening a knife gloves are not absolutely required. Still it is advised to be rather careful. If you take great care, gloves are not absolutely required.

Sharpening with a Sharpening Stone

  • Select the right stone:-  Use coarse stone for very dull knives and a fine stone for regular sharpening.

  • Technique:- Hold knife at 20 degree angle. Slide the knife across the stone at the same angle each time. Do one side and then follow the other.

Point to ponder:

What grit should I use for a very dull knife?

It is recommended to use a coarse grit like a coarse grit 220. Then finish with fine grit for a smooth edge.

Using a Manual Sharpener

Let us now move towards easy and simple steps of using a manual knife sharpener. It is a simple two step process but you will have to repeat it till the time you feel that your knife is sharp again:

  • First you have to set the manual knife sharpener on a level, solid platform.
  • After that, you should slide the knife in the slot and repeatedly pull it. You start first with the coarse slot and then pass the knife over the fine slot.

Tips: Use a steady hand with an even pressure for best results.

Point to ponder:

Can a manual sharpener damage my knives?

No if used right and right instructions are followed a manual sharpener will not damage the knife. Try not to press too hard.

Electric Sharpeners

Electric knife sharpeners must be used properly. They cannot be used until one follows proper manufacturer instructions. 

Instructions to use:
An electric knife sharpener operates in five steps, broken out here:

  • Slide the knife in the proper slot and line it with the built-in angle guide.
  • Pull the blade across the coarse stage to re-shape the dull edge.
  • To hone and polish the edge, run the blade across the fine stage.
  • Usually 2-4 passes each step, repeat the process as necessary.
  • Empty any metal shavings to clean it and securely store the sharpener.



Quick and efficient sharpening process

Can wear down blades if used excessively

Easy to use, even for beginners

Limited control over the sharpening angle

Consistent results with minimal effort

May not be suitable for all types of knives

Saves time compared to manual sharpening

Requires electricity to operate

Can restore dull knives to a sharp edge

Higher upfront cost compared to manual options

Point to ponder:

Are electric sharpeners safe for high-quality knives?

Yes the electric sharpeners are safe for knives that have a high quality. But use gently and don’t overdo the sharpening part. 

Maintenance Tips for Sharp Knives

Sharp knives are a haven in the kitchen world. They are expensive, and precious. However, maintaining them is not only necessary but is also an art. Let us now read about some of the simplest tips to maintain the sharp knives:

Honing vs. Sharpening

  • Differences: Honing aligns the blade and keeps it sharp. Sharpening removes metal, making new edges.

  • When to use: Hone the knife often and sharpen less. Hone after a few uses and sharpen every few months.

Point to ponder:

How often should I hone my knives?

You must hone after every few uses and keep the edge straight and sharp.

Proper Knife Storage

Options: Below are some of the options to place or store the knives:

  • Knife blocks
  • Magnetic strips
  • Inside drawer holders.

Tips: Do not put sharp knives in lloose drawers! Keep knives safe and separate.

Point to ponder:

What is the best way to store my knives to keep them sharp?

Keep your knives in a knife block or magnetic strip if you want them sharp. Above all, preserve the edge.

Daily Knife Care

  • Cleaning: Hand wash with mild soap and dry immediately.

  • What to Avoid: No dishwasher as it can dull the blade fast.

    Point to ponder:

    Can dishwashers dull my knives?

    Yes they can. So it's a big no-no for the dishwashers. Hand wash only.

    How to clean a knife after it has made your day in the kitchen? Read More

    Troubleshooting Common Problems

    You might face some common problems in regards to your sharp knives. Let us check how to overcome them without damaging yourself as well as the surroundings:

    Uneven Edges

    • Fixing: Sharpen until the edge is even. Check angle and pressure.

    Point to ponder:

    What causes an uneven edge after sharpening?

    Some things are common. For example the inconsistent sharpening and wrong angle. It is true that practice makes perfect. You cannot master it in one go. Try it on dull and cheap knives and then go for sharpening the high quality kitchen knives.

    Chips and Nicks

    • Repair: Use coarse stone first and then the fine one. Sharpen until smooth.

    Point to ponder:

    Can I sharpen a chipped knife, or do I need a professional?

    Yes you can but it may take time and much practice. For big chips it is recommended to see a professional.

    Blade Discoloration

    It happens when the knife isn't cleaned properly or dried properly. You will find rusting and discoloration.

    • Solutions: Clean with baking soda and water. Sometimes, steel wool helps.

    Point to ponder:

    Is discoloration a sign of a dull knife?

    No, not always and not necessarily. It can be dirty and yet not dull.


    Sharp knives are not unsafe. Yes they sound scary but if handled with care they can be your best friend in the kitchen. They make cooking very easy. Use the right tools, follow the proper care and maintenance tips and maintain well. Share this blog with your loved ones who have recently started their kitchen journey and you believe you might get some necessary tips from the blog. Also follow us on social media and read more kitchen tips!

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